Saturday, March 6, 2010


Woke up to someone licking my face this morning, and it was not the attractive male I had been dreaming about. It was a far more attractive male! (well.. that's what I tell him, anyway) Above is us in our matching scarf and sweater set, courtesy of my mom.

Floyd is currently outside, tanning and enjoying the sunshine and mud. Well, Cuca is mostly enjoying the mud, as she has been digging for worms to roll around in. You can tell my room mate and I have grown ever more paranoid, as there is a new lock on the gate and a bike parked in front of it.. We are both laughing at each other, as the both of us are checking every 5 seconds to make sure the dogs are still in the yard.

Got an email from a friend today who is currently in Manila, and back later this month. He tells me he may need me to walk his poochies once he's back.. and the 2 of them are just way too cute. Here's Trixi from the last time I saw her:

Hopefully, since all this training with, Floyd will be much more gentlemanly when she is around.. As he was a little too "affectionate" last time!

No appointments today (thank you very much, Fed Ex) so I might actually get to leave the house! I haven't since Monday, unless it has been to go to the vet. Guess I should probably shower, huh?

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