Thursday, April 8, 2010


Is anyone able to provide a foster home for some desperate felines? Please email or visit Please send this to your friends and family in Montreal!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

there needs to be more than 24 hrs in a day

i have been so busy lately, i have hardly noticed the days slipping by. i have finished training for my new job, and have been tattooing day and night, trying to get all these floyd supporters inked! i actually just have a few minutes between appointments right now, and should be drawing.. but i think i have been neglecting this blog for a bit too long!

in floyd related news, hes been a bit of a terror lately. it started a few days ago when we noticed doggy foot prints all over the coffee table (and as i type this, he's attempting to get up on it again!)... the next day, i look over to see a very stealthy floyd, standing atop the middle of the table. and then this morning, we witness him standing in the centre of the patio table! cuca and tchandro have been away for the weekend, so i wonder if he's just testing his limits. however, i will say when we went on a long walk yesterday, he was very very well behaved. we even stopped for a snack, and he lay at our feet the entire time, not even moving (tho you could see him fighting his will power) when another dog walked by.

last week, floyd was in dire need of a bath.. and he was none too happy about it. my first job, at the ripe old age of 14, was as an assistant dog groomer.. but that doesn;t mean expelling anal glands is mine or floyd's favourite thing.
as soon as i closed the bathroom door... floyd knew what was happening....

poor monkey. he's always very good in the tub, tho.. as much as he hates it.

floyd likes doing a little song and dance whenever he gets out of the tub, that i will absolutely have to catch on video some time.. he never seems as happy as he is, right after he know his bath is over. after running around like an idiot, he passed right out.

my art show/auction for Skate4Cancer is all in full force production mode for this summer. all the skate decks have been sent out, and i am working on info packages for the artists and public. i am very, very, very excited for the show. the participating artists are all phenomenal, and i am truly honoured they have all agreed to participate! if you would like more info, for now you can visit:

i am now booking appointments for may. i understand a lot of people have yet to be rescheduled, and i promise i will get to you! but if you are getting anxious, please just give me a call or shoot me an email to

as i have so many clients, i will still be offering discounts while i am at the shop, and again, i am happy to give you a gift certificate to come visit me at Studio West

here is all the info again:

f you already have an appointment with me, I will do my best to get you rescheduled asap! If you have yet to hear from me, please call 514 625 7709 or email me at PLEASE DONT MSG ME ON FACEBOOK! As facebook will only let me reply to so many emails a day, before it locks me out for spamming.

However, if you currently do not have an appointment and are still looking to get tattooed by me, you will have 1 of 2 options:

1) Book an appointment with me at my shop, Studio Tatouage West at the corner of Boul. St Laurent and Roy. ( ) If you would like to do so, send me an email ( ) and I will email you a coupon for $20 off your tattoo. If you refer a friend who books an appointment, I will instead give you a coupon for $25 off of my hourly rate. I have been incredibly overwhelmed by the support I have gotten from people wanting to help Floyd and I, so I figure it is the least I can do... to try and help as many people as I can get tattooed.

2) I will have very very very few times available during April, between the hours of 11am and 3pm. You can still get tattooed in my home, at a rate of $65/hr ( almost half my regular hourly rate ). However, I do not expect these spots to last, so your best bet is to contact me for an appointment at my shop.

Also, if you have already been tattooed by me during this fundraiser, and would like to again at my shop, please let me know and I will be happy to give you $25 off my hourly as a thank you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

more sadness.

If you can help with this situation, please, please do...

We urgently seek help for a lovely long-haired, spayed and declawed brown tabby named Moonrise, who is completely blind in both eyes. She is a pet we are rehoming, and she suffered an injury before coming to us. The scar material was and remains obvious. She also, we are told, contracted rhino and calicivirus, two upper-respiratory viruses, that seem to have remained untreated, and the infection spread to her eyes. Both eyeballs have completely popped out, and the agony this sweet cat went through must have been of long duration and excruciating.

We seek funds to take her to a vet who deals in ophthalmology so that the exposed tissue where the eyeballs should be can be covered so at least she is not vulnerable to further infection and pain. Sadly, there is nothing more anyone can do. She has blinded for life, and the tragedy is that this was all so easily preventable.

Donations can be made via cheque or PayPal. There is a PayPal button in the “Help Out” tab of our website. Donors will be sent before and after pictures, once she has had the surgery she requires. Please contact us at 514-684-4810, visit our website at or email us at

Moonrise is now is a loving foster home where she gets lots of attention, good nutrition, and leads a relatively stress-free life. Nothing can restore her sight, but we want the highest quality of life possible for her. She purrs and cuddles constantly, and is extremely affectionate. We seek a permanent home for her, as well as donations toward the veterinary treatment that, had she had before coming to us, could easily have prevented the suffering and lasting consequences.

We see a lot of sadness in cat rescue, but before you look at the photos, be aware that nothing can quite prepare you for this.

Please be aware, I am still tattooing at a hugely discounted price, to try and raise more funds for both floyd and 3 local rescue groups.

Please email me at if you would like to get tattooed, or need more information.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

my roomie spoke to the regime de logement and his lawyer friend and it turns out were doing nothing wrong, and therefore cannot be evicted. so i will not be moving as quickly as i thought i might have to. thank goodness. but who knows, maybe ill find something worth moving for.. you know. thats actually soundproofed.

had yet another supply order screw up/shortage and im stuck putting appointments on hold again. truthfully the break of not working 80 hours for a minute or two, will be ridiculously welcomed.

ive started watching documentaries more than anything else when im sitting on the couch, so i feel like im doing something when im still just trying to relax. i just watched one on werewolves and now im watching one on waco. and then im going to watch one on bible salesmen.

im also going to eat some cake, drink some tea, and do a bunch of drawing.

floyd and i had a photoshoot on my couch today.

omg stop moving.


and no. i really dont need those glasses to see. i think they just trick me into thinking i dont need to put makeup on.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ho hum

training for my new job has been a lot of fun, and ive met some uber nice peoples.

im doing billing support for the interwebs.

and looking for a new apartment...

my room mate and i have found ourselves in a bit of a pickle, with our upstairs neighbour complaining about absolutely everything. shes started complaining about there being noise in the apartment during the day (i guess referring to when i am tattooing). i have no idea why she thinks she can be at home all day, and i cant. my room mate and i havent bothered hooking up our television, because we know shell just say its too loud.

the landlord is threatening to kick us out, because they are friends with her, and would rather not lose her as a tenant, though we know we are not remotely loud or noisy people, and have done absolutely nothing wrong.

we love this apartment but have no idea if we can bother with constantly being harassed.

i guess while we decide what to do.. im looking for an apartment for floyd, bronson and i. if you know of any pet friendly apartments available in montreal, please let me know. im flexible with location, and for the right apartment.. i am flexible with my budget. im not having an amazing amount of luck with craigslist...

but please email me if you hear or know of anything.

i have still yet to get my schedule at work, so i am still having to pause on rescheduling appointments.. but i really havent forgotten about you. please feel free to email or call me to remind me youre still waiting!! and thank you for being so patient.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

usually when floyd climbs onto the couch or my bed, he farts. he pauses for a moment and always looks at me.. but i am not sure if it's to say, "what was that!?" or "yeah, so?".

i wish i had a video of the nest he just built in my bed. ive probably spent the past 20 minutes, just sitting here, staring at (and smelling) him.. wondering what hes going to do next.

im pretty sure from the minute i first saw him peeing in the middle of the living room floor at his foster home, that he was the worst and best idea i ever had.

i love you very much, floyd frankenweenie.

what a week

EEEEEE! Look what I got to do today!

This has been a pretty nutty week. I will summarize it by saying it included 2 suicides, a miscarriage and 2 "natural" deaths. I am pretty beat, and have been having a hard time keeping up with the PMA.. but, in the same breath some pretty wonderful things have happened too. I start a new job tomorrow, that should still allow me time to tattoo until I go back to the shop in May. I think it may be the only way to get rent and Floyd's bills paid off in a timely manner. Oh, and clearly I have gotten to do some swell tattoos.

So here's what I have sent out on facebook (as many of you, like my mom are not on facebook.. thank heavens):

It is with both sadness and excitement that I must tell you all the, CHEAP TATTOOS FOR FLOYD has come to an end. However! This does not mean that you are unable to get a tattoo for an excellent price.

I found myself needing to get a second job, and was lucky enough to find one! However, I start monday and the annoying business of canceling / rescheduling appointments is about to begin.

If you already have an appointment with me, I will do my best to get you rescheduled asap! If you have yet to hear from me, please call 514 625 7709 or email me at PLEASE DONT MSG ME ON FACEBOOK! As facebook will only let me reply to so many emails a day, before it locks me out for spamming.

However, if you currently do not have an appointment and are still looking to get tattooed by me, you will have 1 of 2 options:

1) Book an appointment with me at my shop, Studio Tatouage West at the corner of Boul. St Laurent and Roy. ( ) If you would like to do so, send me an email ( ) and I will email you a coupon for $20 off your tattoo. If you refer a friend who books an appointment, I will instead give you a coupon for $25 off of my hourly rate. I have been incredibly overwhelmed by the support I have gotten from people wanting to help Floyd and I, so I figure it is the least I can do... to try and help as many people as I can get tattooed.

2) I will have very very very few times available during April, between the hours of 11am and 3pm. You can still get tattooed in my home, at a rate of $65/hr ( almost half my regular hourly rate ). However, I do not expect these spots to last, so your best bet is to contact me for an appointment at my shop.

Also, if you have already been tattooed by me during this fundraiser, and would like to again at my shop, please let me know and I will be happy to give you $25 off my hourly as a thank you.

Thank you so much for your love and support with helping get Floyd's bills paid. Although we haven't quite made it yet, I know by the time May rolls around, we will have!! And there is no way I could have done that without your help. It has meant so much to me, that you've been interested in my cause, and following us along the way. I am still attempting to make another $1500 to cover Floyd's bills, and be able to fork out a huge donation to eleven eleven rescue, penny's puppy paws and cause 4 paws.

I really hope you all keep in touch! Thanks for all the patience and understanding!

Much love,

Lauren & Floyd

So that is what is going on there. If you already have an appointment with me, please don't worry, the minimum $30 donation will still apply, but please remember that just covers my supply costs.

In Floyd related updates.. he has been absolutely off the wall today. And is napping really hard. I do believe we are lucky enough to be tattooing the vet tech's boyfriend that initially admitted Floyd at the vet's office, and she will be coming along to take Floyd's stitches out here at home! Although, I am still not sure if he has even bothered to notice he has them yet..

Can anyone tell me why my dog always hang out on the couch like this?

Please ignore the rug he was earlier rolling around on. But all the time.. he just hangs out half on and half off. Weirdo.
oops. think he heard me call him that...